Client Warranties

NPI North Chicago Metro Residential Warranties

Included on All Full Home Inspections

Buying or selling a home comes with a unique set of potential problems. You find a leak, your furnace breaks down, your garbage disposal’s on the fritz. With NPI’s industry-leading 6-Month Limited Warranty, you don’t have to worry about these unexpected expenses. Whether you’re buying or selling, this inspection warranty saves you money and protects your investment. NPI’s 6-Month Limited Warranty covers your home’s most vital systems, like HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and built-in appliances. Learn more about NPI’s Limited Warranty here.

RecallChek Also Included with Every Home Inspection!
As part of your home inspection, our trained professional inspectors will take note of your appliances make and model numbers. We then enter your appliance information into our Recall Check database and notify you of any current recalls, including how to get your recalled appliance repaired free of charge by the manufacturer.