Gives Back

NPI Gives Back

About Our "NPI Gives Back" Program

When You Book Your Inspection with NPI North Chicago Metro, You're Supporting Your Local Community and Building a Better Chicago

National Property Inspections North Chicago Metro is proud to support and give back to our local community. Making sure that every person has the opportunity to provide reliable, quality housing for their family is a cause that means a lot to us, and that’s why we choose to donate 3 percent of every inspection fee to Habitat for Humanity.

We fully support Habitat’s mission of building and advocating for affordable housing. When every family has a decent place to live, our communities are stronger and safer.

Every month, we donate 3 percent of sales to our local chapter of Habitat for Humanity, so money stays in our community and directly helps your friends and neighbors. We encourage you to join us in donating or signing up to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity of Northern Fox Valley.

About Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit housing organization dedicated to providing safe and affordable housing. They operate according to their vision of creating a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Families in need of affordable housing can apply for homeownership through Habitat for Humanity, and with the help of volunteers in our community, homebuyers are provided the materials to build their own homes.

If you're interested in volunteering, making your own contribution, or applying for housing through Habitat for Humanity, please visit their website.

Follow us on social media to keep up with our monthly donations!


NPI Gives Back