
NPI Miami-Dade NE Add-On Services

Providing Inspections for Miami, Miami Beach, North Miami, North Miami Beach, Aventura, Sunny Isles Beach, North Bay Village and Surrounding Areas

In addition to general residential and commercial property inspections, NPI offers a suite of services that can be tailored to your specific needs. Below, you will find a list of each additional service offered by your local NPI Miami-Dade NE team.

If you live in an area prone to storms, you could save money on your insurance premiums by getting your property wind certified. Our NPI inspectors examine areas of your property susceptible to failure in strong winds, such as roof shingles, shutters and structural elements, to ensure that proper wind mitigation techniques have been employed.

Termites and other wood-destroying organisms (WDOs) can cause catastrophic damage to your home’s structure if left untreated. Your NPI inspector can identify the presence of termites, carpenter ants, wood-boring beetles and more before they cause irreversible damage.

A 4-Point Insurance Inspection can help owners of older homes save money on their insurance premiums. 4-Point Inspections focus on your home’s roof, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems), electrical wiring and panels and plumbing connections and fixtures.

Your NPI inspector can provide many different types of field services, including occupancy status inspections, property assessment and condition reports, insurance risk assessment inspections, REO foreclosures and more. Any of these services can be tailored to your specific needs.