
The Inspector

By NPI, Inc.



How to Properly Tend to Trees

 May 9, 2022 |  Home Maintenance, Safety |  spring, home exterior, lawn care, gardening, landscaping

Trees are a great addition to any yard. They provide shade, a home for local wildlife, and even delicious fruits. But you do need to give your trees the right care to avoid them becoming a giant pain. Here’s what you can do to keep those saplings strong and healthy.

Know your tree species better.
There are close to 1,000 species of trees throughout North America, each one requiring different care instructions. If you haven’t had to care for trees before, it may seem a bit overwhelming. The good news is that a little bit of research can give you a better idea of how to care for the ones at your home. The internet, books, and even local lawn care professionals are great resources to reach out to. You’ll be able to find the best information on what to do and what not to do to keep your trees growing strong.

Care for the ground around.
Poor soil conditions can impact a tree’s root system and its ability to get the nutrients it needs. Avoid compacting the dirt at the base of the tree too much. This is common when people frequently park their cars underneath. Move your car to another spot, and give the soil a chance to “relax.” You should also avoid spraying nearby weeds and instead pull them out by hand. While weeds themselves can pose a threat to trees, dangerous chemicals can also weaken them over time.

Don’t cut it too close.
Although a big, burly tree looks like it can withstand cuts and chips, it’s actually quite the opposite. Bark that gets cut off from weed whackers, mowers, and other landscaping machinery hampers the tree’s nutrient carrying system. A large tree may be able to withstand a few missing pieces, but smaller ones are especially susceptible to nutritional deficiency. When you go to trim your grass, don’t run your mower blades right up next to the base. Watch for any exposed roots as well since cutting these will permanently damage the tree.

Properly prune periodically.
Dead or damaged tree branches are a danger to your tree and your home. They can blow off in a storm and cause thousands of dollars in property damage. To avoid having a limb come crashing down, prune your trees as necessary. If you spot a branch that’s snapped and hanging down, it’s best to cut it off right away. It’s also good to trim back branches so that the whole tree can get the sunlight it needs. (For branches that are higher up, call in a professional tree trimmer.)

“Leaf” things alone.
While trees do need some assistance, overall they’re very hearty. You don’t need to be tending to them day and night, unless they’re a younger sapling. It’s common for homeowners over-water their tree to try and keep it hydrated. Trees are very good at adapting to their climate and location, so more often than not, you just need to let them be. Just examining your tree is sufficient for daily care.

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