Rental Property Assessment

NPI East Denver Metro Rental Property Condition Assessment

An Inspection Tailored to Property Owners and Managers, Exclusively Offered by NPI East Denver Metro

Click here to see the scope of these inspections.

These reports can be customized to fit your needs. Below, you'll find 3 sample reports in various styles.

Click here to see a standard sample report.

Click here to see a check list style sample report.

Click here to see a narrative style sample report.

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The Benefits of Annual Property Condition Inspections

Keeping your property safe and maintained is crucial in the rental industry. A property condition assessment is recommended once a year to avoid structural or maintenance disasters. The NPI Annual Condition Inspection for Residential Properties will ensure your building and its features are satisfactory, giving tenants peace of mind.

  • Annual inspections will ensure your building and its features are safe and functioning, giving your tenants peace of mind.
  • Your assessment is performed by a uniformed inspector,* so tenants feel comfortable disclosing important information about your property.
  • You'll receive a comprehensive report for personal records and/or to present to your potential tenants.
  • Your inspector is a third-party, unbiased individual. The inspection results will not be influenced by leasing strategies or agent/tenant relationships.
  • NPI inspectors carry their own liability insurance.

What's Included in the Report?

The following items and systems will be assessed by your NPI inspector and identified in the report by their current condition:


Condition assessments are made visually and noninvasively. Presented the opportunity, a tenant interview will be completed. A series of photos will be included to document your properties’ features.

*Your NPI inspector is industry-licensed and InterNACHI-certified. Trained in both commercial and residential inspections, your NPI inspector knows how to recognize symptoms of potential problems.